Saturday, December 5, 2009

At the exact time of conjunction or whatever you call it—no not conjunction exactly either since the two planets do not revolve around the same sun: but when they are closest together. Our solar system.

Barbarians and Rome was burning and Dresden was in flames and the first nuclear mushroom grew over the secret proving ground and a trembling finger hung over the scarlet button. . . The genie hunched his back and got back into his bottle. x x x . . . Dead grey waves were running over the dead molten sand and with metronome precision rolling back to the horizon where the foaming sea medley touched upon the dull sky torn up with gaping.
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'Only a sister. And I've never stolen anything from her. ' 'There you are then I can't tell. ' 'Qh right. ' He felt such a fool. 'How did you know I was worried about you reading my memories?' 'Because everybody does that when they meet me. Vernon and Jon here are worried about the cash they lifted from the station's Christmas party box Mrs Collier is extremely worried about her dark past. But the only thing I can sense inside a brain is the emotional content. So the sooner you relax and all that worry vanisbes the sooner I can ask the questions and the sooner you can be out of here. OK?' Nicholas nodded vigorously secretly cheered by the way Lisa Collier's disapprobation had darkened still further at the gibe. 'Yes. Of course. I do want to help. ' 'Yeah I can see that. You really liked Kitchener didn't you?' Lisa Collier had warned him never to lie to the psychic; no matter how painful any admission he would see it and it would be entered against him. 'I.
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